The Orewa Elevate Trust
We are an Aotearoa New Zealand charitable trust with a vision to see our community, our rangatahi, our mokopuno, our tūpuna, our hāpori whanau elevated through the values of manakitanga [support, respect & generosity] and hāpai [to journey alongside].
Our mission is to journey with whanau, initiatives & community organisations for the holistic benefit of one another.
We aim to support and champion the wellbeing of families in Orewa.
Our Guiding Principles
Love Without an Agenda
When love has an agenda it’s no longer love. All of our facilitators and our program delivery will be vetted through this key fundamental.
Partner With The Community
Our work is a partnership with our community. When we look to begin something, our starting point will be to ask; who is the community, who are the leaders, what is the need and can we add value without duplicating efforts and resources already being invested there. We will start building relationships before we start doing a thing.
Vision In Action
We hold an incredibly bright vision for Orewa. Not a vision of perfection, but a vision where our community thrive, caring for one another. Raising one another up. This is a journey of success! Life may look messy at times. Community can be messy. But we are stronger together, always on the look out, selflessly caring for one another.
Be The Leader — You Are Rangatira
Every person has the power to decide the direction in their life.
Each program we deliver will empower those who engage to take charge of their situation and become Rangatira.
Call Out The Purpose In Our Community
There are all sorts of bad influences in the world. We are all susceptible to it, none of us escape it. There are also incredible people, potential and initiatives. We see the Orewa Elevate Trust having a role in calling out the great influences, raising them up for all to see and use to bring about a stronger, healthy community.
Dream Bigger Than You
No matter our handicap, be it blindness, a wheelchair, or just a lack of confidence, most of us are captured by our limits, we all know what we can do and what we can’t. That’s why we all need someone to encourage us to think bigger thoughts. Someone that will pray for and believe for a bigger life! We must therefore be intentional about offering to pass it forward. Encouraging other ideas and community initiatives to succeed for the wider benefit of our community. We will always look to Elevate our community on the Coast.